Though far from perfect, this is (or was) the best airport map app out there -- and I tried all of them. Unlike iFly, which requires a fast connection and a lot of time to download info, or some of the other programs that provide listings and broad-scale maps without actually showing you WHERE, physically, a store/restaurant/lounge is, this one shows you what you want, and does it all offline. It is very basic - almost crude - in design, but by the same token its very easy to use and read, and doesnt require a connection to show you what you need…. which is pretty essential if youre offline, in the air, and trying to figure out how to make your connection, or whether you can grab a snack. It also lacks certain things that would add to the usefulness -- bathroom locations, baggage claims, etc. It is, however, BADLY IN NEED OF UPDATES. Its been 2 years since the last one, and information is starting to get (badly) out of date, with recent mergers and changes in service. At this point, Im wondering if the developer has given up on the product...